Professor Nam-In Lee and Applied Phenomenology

Professor Nam-In Lee is a philosophy professor at Seoul National University. My encounter with Professor Nam-In Lee was entirely coincidental, yet one might argue it was fated. After selecting the research topic for my dissertation and choosing a qualitative research approach, I contemplated the specific approach I should take. During this deliberation, I decided to search for phenomenology on YouTube. To my surprise, I discovered a packaged lecture on the education platform ‘AIR KLASS’ titled ‘Applied Phenomenology in Nursing.’ Despite being a doctoral candidate in nursing, I was unaware of the existence of online lectures on this topic. Nevertheless, although I found it somewhat perplexing, I judged that it would significantly contribute to deciding the research method, prompting me to enroll without hesitation. Consequently, I had the privilege of attending Professor Nam-In Lee’s lecture.

Nam-In Lee

Notably, Professor Nam-In Lee demonstrated a deep understanding of the values and objectives pursued by nursing. He provided a systematic, logical, and remarkably clear explanation of why phenomenology is essential in nursing and illuminated the potential phenomenological explorations within the field. Following my attendance at Professor Nam-In Lee’s lecture, extensive literature reviews, and in-depth exploration of phenomenology, I resolved to embrace it as a lifelong research methodology. It felt as though I had discovered the key to addressing the aspects that had long been the focus of my academic journey.

I had been grappling with a profound desire to address the underrecognition of nursing, a field I am passionate about, for its inherent values in society. However, by engaging in phenomenological exploration and practice, I believed that if I could revitalize the core essence of nursing and substantiate its value as a significant achievement, I could contribute in a modest way to establishing nursing as a more rigorous discipline and garnering societal acknowledgment for its values.

This sentiment resonates with Professor Nam-In Lee’s deep affection for Husserl. When delving into Professor Nam-In Lee’s lectures or books, one can discern his intense passion for Husserl, as he thoughtfully contemplates how to convey Husserl’s philosophical reasoning and contributions. Similarly, for me, nursing holds such a profound significance.

During the preparation of my dissertation, I endeavored to contact Professor Nam-In Lee. However, I discovered that he was on leave, anticipating retirement, and unfortunately, my email received no response. Given the chance, I would certainly welcome the opportunity to meet him in person.

Below is Professor Nam-In Lee’s verified research history, as authenticated by the International Institute of Philosophy.

Honors and Awards

1992     Best Dissertation Award in 1991, University of Wuppertal

1994    Best Article Award in 1993, Society for Philosophical Studies

1999    Lecture Invitation for the Aron Gurwitsch Memorial Lecture, SPEP Conference (University of Oregon)

2005    Award from National Academy of Science, Republic of Korea

2008    Member of IIP (Institut International de Philosophie)

2016    Excellence in Research Award, Seoul National University

Editorial Board/Advisory Committee of Journals/Book Series

2002-present    Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences (Journal)

2002-present    The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy (Journal)

2002-2008    Classics in Phenomenology (Book Series)

2002-2008    Contemporary Phenomenological Thought (Book Series)

2002-present    Orbis Phaenomenologicus (Journal)

2005-present    Continental Philosophy Review (Journal)

2006-     Pathways in Phenomenology (Book Series)

2006-present     Patterns in Applied Phenomenology (Book Series)

2009-present    Contributions to Phenomenology (Book Series)

2009-2011    Philosophy (in Korean, Journal, editor in chief)

2012-present     Libri Nigri (Book Series)

2012-present     Libri Virides (Book Series)


1977-1981   BA, Department of Philosophy, Seoul National University 

1981-1983   MA, Department of Philosophy, Seoul National University 

1983-1986   Ph. D. Course, Department of Philosophy, Seoul National University

1986-1987   Ph. D. Course, Department of Philosophy, University of Cologne 

1987-1991   Ph. D., Department of Philosophy, University of Wuppertal

Bibliographie (읽은 것은 bold체로 표시함. The read literature is indicated in bold.)


Edmund Husserls Phänomenologie der Instinkte, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. (Phaenomenologica vol. 128) 

Phenomenology and Hermeneutics (in Korean), Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 2004.

Husserl’s Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy (in Korean), Seoul: Poolbit Media, 2006.

Phenomenology of Perception. Husserl and Merleau-Ponty (in Korean), Pajoo: Hangilsa, 2013.

Phenomenology and Qualitative Research (in Korean), Pajoo: Hangilsa, 2014.

Beyond Consilience (in Korean), Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 2015.

The Phenomenology of Aesthetic Instinct (in Korean), Pajoo: Seokwangsa, 2018.

The Concrete and the Plural: Studies in Husserl’s Phenomenology and Its Horizon, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2021 (forthcoming). 

Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity: Husserl, Levinas, and East-West Dialogue (forthcoming). 

Journal Articles and Book Chapters 

“Transcendental Phenomenology and Postmodernism” (in Korean), in: Philosophical Studies 31 (1992).

“Derrida’s Criticism of Husserl” (in Korean), in: Philosophical Research 20 (1992).

“Instinctive Intentionality and the Constitution of Intersubjective World” (in Korean), in: Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy 7 (1993).

“The Concept of Reality in Husserl’s Phenomenology” (in Korean), in: Haechang Chung and others, The Concept of Reality in Eastern and Western Philosophy, Seongnam: The Academy of Korean Studies Press, 1994.

“Heidegger’s Existential Hermeneutics” (in Korean), in: Korean Society for Hermeneutics (Ed.), What Is Hermeneutics, Seoul: Jeepyeongmoonwhasa, 1995.

“Heidegger’s Criticism of Husserl and the Hermeneutic Phenomenology” (in Korean), in: Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy 9 (1996).

“Husserl’s Genetic Phenomenology and Heidegger’s Hermeneutic Phenomenology” (in Korean), in: Philosophy 53 (1997).

“Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenology of Mood,” in: D. Zahavi/N. Depraz (Eds.), Alterity and Facticity, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.

“Das An-sich Sein und die verschiedenen Gesichter der Welt,” in: Kah Kyung Cho/Young-Ho Lee (Eds.), Phänomenologie der Natur. Phänomenologische Forschungen, Sonderband, Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Alber, 1999. 

“Practical Intentionality and Transcendental Phenomenology as a Practical Philosophy,” in: Husserl Studies 17 (2000).

“Active and Passive Genesis: Genetic Phenomenology and Transcendental Subjectivity,” in: S. G. Crowell/L. Embree/S. J. Julian (Eds.), The Reach of Reflection: Issues for Phenomenology’s Second Century, Electronic Press, 2001.

“Static-Phenomenological and Genetic-Phenomenological Concept of Primordiality in Husserl’s Fifth Cartesian Meditation,” in: Husserl Studies 18 (2002).

“Phenomenology of Sensible Life in Husserl and Levinas,” in: Philosophical Thought 15 (2002).

“Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity in Husserl and Levinas,” in: Husserl Studies in Japan 1 (2003).

“Genetic Phenomenology and Problems of Intersubjectivity” (in Korean), in: Philosophical Thought 16 (2003).

“The Structure of the Critical Rationality” (in Korean), in: Philosophical Thought 19 (2004).

“Phenomenology and Qualitative Research Method” (in Korean), in: Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy 24 (2005).

“Philosophical Reflections on the Concept of Economic Rationality” (in Korean), in: Journal of Humanities 53 (2005).

“Phenomenology of Feeling in Husserl and Levinas,” in: The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 5 (2005).

“Problems of Intersubjectivity in Husserl and Buber,” in: Husserl Studies 22 (2006).

“Experience and Evidence,” in: Husserl Studies 23 (2007).

“Husserl’s View of Metaphysics – The Role of a Genuine Metaphysics in Phenomenological Philosophy,” in: Cheung Chan-Fai and Yu Chung-Chi (Eds.), Phenomenology 2005, Selected Essays from Asia, Part 2, Bucharest: Zeta Books, 2007.

“Phenomenological Sociology” (in Korean), in: Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy 33 (2007).

“Husserl’s Phenomenology and Schutz’s Phenomenological Sociology” (in Korean), in: Schutzian Research 1 (2009).

“How Can Humanities and Natural Science Meet?” (in Korean), Philosophical Studies 87 (2009).

“Phenomenological Reflections on the Possibility of First Philosophy,” in: Husserl Studies 26 (2010).

“Phenomenological Education” (in Korean), in: Philosophy of Education 47 (2010).

“Phenomenology of Language beyond the Deconstructive Philosophy of Language,” in: Continental Philosophy Review 42/4 (2010).

“The Concept of Essence in Carl Menger’s Economics,” in: Horizons 2 (2011).

“Phenomenological Reduction and the Future of Phenomenology” (in Korean), in: Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy 54 (2012).

“Toward the Phenomenology of Aesthetic Instinct Developed through a Dialogue with F. Schiller (1759-1805),” in: Journal of Humanities 68 (2012).

“Phenomenological Clarification of the Difference between Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research” (in Korean), in: Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy 55 (2012).

“Eco-Ethica and the Idea of the University Revisited,” in: Eco-ethica 2 (2012).

“The Significance and the Future-Task of E. Husserl’s Phenomenological Social Ethics” (in Korean), in: Journal of Humanities 69 (2013).

“Vers une phénomenologie de la tendance morale,” in: Diogène 248 (2014).

“Clarification of Some Aspects of Phenomenological Qualitative Research” (in Korean), Philosophical Studies 109 (2015).

“Ethik der Erneuerung bei Husserl und Konfuzius,” in: Cathrin Nielsen, Karel Novotný, Thomas Nenon (Eds.), Kontexte des Leiblichen. Festschrift für Hans Rainer Sepp, Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz, 2016. 

“Instinctive Intentionality and the Nature of Valuing” (in Korean), in: Philosophical Thought 63 (2017).

“Chapter 13: Nam-In Lee,” in: Felipe Leon/Joona Taipale (Eds.), Phenomenology. Five Questions, Copenhagen: Automatic Press, 2018.

“Phänomenologische Interpretation der Phronesis bei Aristoteles,” in: Eco-ethica 7 (2018).

“‘Phenomenology and Qualitative Research’ for Reviewers of Phenomenological Qualitative Researches” (in Korean), in: Qualitative Research 20 (2019).

“Husserl’s Transcendental Subjectivity and Heidegger’s Dasein,” in: The Ritsumeikan Bungaku 665 (2020).

“The Pluralistic Concept of the Lifeworld and the Various Fields of the Phenomenology of the Lifeworld in Husserl,” in: Husserl Studies 36 (2020).

“Feeling as the Origin of Value in Scheler and Mencius,” in: Continental Philosophy Review 53, 2020. 

“Instinct,” in: B. Hopkins and others (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

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